Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 26 - 6 months!!

I can hardly believe it's been six months since Ethan left. I never thought we'd make it without him! Ha ha! It's gone by both slow, yet really fast. Such exciting times! 

"Hey it is time to write again. I heard about Tanner's call. That is pretty cool, I actually have been emailing him almost every week,  Cochabamba sounds cool. It is where my mission president is from and my trainer. There are 2 people in my ward here that served there. I'm really excited for him. That's cool about the other calls too, and I wonder when Chance will get his?

This week not a whole lot of new things happened. I had to stay inside and rest a lot since my stomach is kind of bad. We still went out and taught people and walked around though. We had a baptism this week too, and it was a pretty cool experience. Her name is Rosa and we started teaching her because her husband or the guy she was living with was a less active member. She seemed interested but also I thought that she was only listening and wanting to be baptized because of him. But then they got in an argument and separated and she was living with her parents. I didn't think she wanted to listen anymore but we tried to visit and she was excited she came. She really has a strong testimony because her parents wont even listen to us or go to her baptism. Her mom wouldn't even let her go to church, but she went anyways.

 Other than that the rest of the week was pretty much the same as always. For Pday we cooked the macaroni and cheese in the church building and watched church videos that we had downloaded on our usb. Sorry if i don't have a lot to write about. I will try and get a longer letter this next week.

I may do something fun for my six month mark, like buy a cake or something. Thanks for the Easter baskets. My companion says thanks too. I don't think the native elders get much mail or packages. He appreciates it. We didn't open them, but we might have snuck a candy or two out :)

See you all next week, Elder Lamb"

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