Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 27

I was hoping to hear this was the day Ethan was feeling better, but no such luck. I worry all the time and it stinks that I can't help him out or even figure out what is going on. Keep praying for him and hopefully one day he'll actually feel normal again!

"Hi, I cant believe that it has been another week already. Also this week was when I completed 6 months! I can't really believe it.It has gone by a lot faster than I thought, even though many times it felt really slow. I burnt a tie this week and my companion burnt a shirt for one year. It was also pretty funny he didn't want me to burn my tie because he said it was too beautiful, so he traded me one of his old ripped ones and told me to burn that. 

I went back to the doctor again because that thing is not really getting better, and he told me that i need to be in absolute rest for a while, so I have to go to the oficina for the rest of this week. I will have to let you know if I hear more. He gave me some kind of cream and then I have to get shots of some kind of thing too. I got another one this week from Sugey and i kind of almost passed out like i have before with some of those things at home. She told me that my body is really sensitive to dolor so i guess that is why. The shot she gave me had some kind of muscle relaxer and anti inflamitorio in it. I also wish that there were better doctors here, but there are not so I just have to live with it. 

That's funny that I mix up Spanish and English. I didn't even know that I mixed things up:) I do have pictures but I don't have my camera since I came directly from the doctor. But I will send some next week. And of the kitten that is outside of our room for the past week and sometimes goes in. Also Elder Whitworth was at byu for a summer term the same time that we were there for efy, I thought that was kind of funny. The candy was also really good. 

This letter was to Jeremy: I actually watched conference in Eglish with Elder Whitworth from California. President wanted that we could understand what the said, also he says it is better in English since it is directly to us and in espaƱol, there can be errors in translation. He is pretty strict, but I guess that it is good that way. That is a bummer with the track meet, I remember how that feels. But it will get better later on. The changes are the 24th, but i have to go on a small emergency change to the office where I have to rest for the rest of this week, because that stomach pain is not really going away, and the president wants to make sure that all the investigadores can be taught. So I have another week of resting and a lot of studying to do, so i will have to let you know how it goes. Also let me know when Chance gets his call, It seems pretty exciting. Also if he wants to email me he can. I have been talking with Tanner for a couple months now and he seems really excited. I will send another letter to mom too, i just wanted to email you too. See you next week.

The rest of this week was kind of the same. I got really excited for conference even though I don't know why. I watched conference in the clerks office with Elder Whitworth. It was pretty fun since we just kind of hung out with english and american things. I also brought those easter candy to eat during conference. I feel like he might be better than with Elder smith since we don't talk about going home all of the time and how hard it is. It is nice to have someone who understands how different it is though. We just kind of laugh at it though and say yep it sucks. Conference was pretty crazy too with all of those new things. I felt like this was kind of a get business done conference, but it was still really good. 

And that pretty much is it for now. I am at the point now that my Spanish is alright but not perfect and my English is just getting bad too since I don't use it a whole lot. Those letters that you sent me were awesome but pretty hard to understand now. It will get better soon though. See you all next week.
Elder Lamb"

I got this picture from Sister Sugey, Ethan's pension. He was helping her husband to make bookshelves. She also sent a video. It was such a nice surprise!

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