Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 25

No pictures again this week! Bummer! Not much new information on his stomach problems. We're still praying he heals and feels better soon. At least he still seems in good spirits. 

" Hi how is it going this week? There was not a whole lot of new things that happened this week but I will write them all down. I got a new companion, Elder Nuñez. He is from Santa Cruz Bolivia, and he is pretty alright. He is pretty funny and one of those people who is kind a funny laughy guy all of the time. He has a pretty funny laugh that kind of sounds like spongebob. He can also sing really good, so that is cool. We do still have four of us living in one room , and I kind of like it. 

Thanks for the package. I got the easter one and one from the distribution center. How much does it cost to send stuff here? Alot? Thanks for doing that for me. Dad, I got your old mission pictures. Thanks, those are great. 

You asked if I get to do something fun for my 6 month mark. I think i do. My companion also completes one year this week, so maybe we'll do something cool,

This week was pretty busy. It was a lot of stuff to do to show my companion around and stuff. And I went to the doctor again in Chiclayo to try and figure out what it is that is making my stomach hurt. I actually just got back from there today. It turns out that is not appendicitis or anything like that, but they said that i might have some kind of infection or something in my intestine, but i need to wait for the rest of the test results. and that my abs, the right side is like torn or something and is being pulled really thin. So they told me it is from something that i did that injured it like normal, but since we are walking constantly all day, it doesn't have time to heal like a normal person, so i have to rest for 2 weeks. It is probably going to be really boring. They said that i can only go out for like an hour or two and then come back to rest. That would be easy to do at home with TV, but here there is nothing, and i might be pretty bored. They also gave me like a million pills to try and help it. It's hard to understand doctors. I am knowing spanish pretty good, but I have never had to know medical terms. Hopefully I will heal eventually!

 Other than that there was not a whole lot that happened this week. We didn't have any baptisms planned for this week, but this Saturday we should have one. Hopefully you are all doing good. I will have to write some more things next week. Miss you and all love you so so much.
Elder Lamb"

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