Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 22

5 months today! It's hard to believe that time has gone by so fast. It sounds like he is doing good. Still struggling with stomach things, but hopefully time will help. We still miss him like crazy!

"Hi, I cant believe that I have been gone and on my mission for 5 months now! It is already almost half of a year. This week was alright, not a whole lot of new things. I am still having problems with my stomach and don't really know how long it will take to get better, since it has been almost 2 months like this. We did not have any baptisms this week. We had a person but he told us that he was not ready and that he needed to wait a while. We do have another planned for this Friday that should be pretty certain though. My Spanish is getting better, but  I still have a long way to go until it is perfect. 

That is so awesome about Austin's mission call, I emailed him, he told me that he leaves on May 23. Hopefully he is pretty excited. Sometimes I wish I could be in the united states with members and lots of good food, and normal things but I think I just need to keep going where I was called to. I know I am here for a reason. Also my stomach is not really getting better. I got your package with snacks too. It was pretty awesome. Also do you think that you can find more songs by david archuleta in Spanish? I really like to listen to them to help me learn more things. I am going to write the president and then the weekly letter and then pictures.

Even if I get transferred, I can get the tie to my companion. I think his family is sending some of the Peru ties that Ican get for Andrew and Eli and dad. Do you know what I can do for my stomach? I feel that I have done everything. now the presidents wife is just having me eat a bunch of weird stuff. It is so hard to walk around and think and talk when my stomach is hurting a lot.

On Thursday i got my card for being in PerĂº, which is pretty cool even though it has to stay in the office. There are slowly getting more people in my English class, even though now they are mostly members. Our goal is to have these classes to find more people to teach. The rest of the days were pretty normal, Today for Pday we went to a mountain and hiked up it, that was pretty fun. I don't really have a whole lot to write about, but I will try to send more pictures instead. 
Con amor, Elder Lamb

Ethan's birthday message to Eli. How sweet of him to remember!

Ethan hiked for pday. Found some old Aztec ruins.

Top of the hike.

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