Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 21

Another week gone by! Another baptism for Ethan. I loved how he told us that she chose him to baptize her. He's so good with kids! Such a sweet and kind hearted soul! Oh how I miss that sweet boy! It's so good to see him happy and serving the Lord. Now if we could just get his poor stomach to heal...

"Hi how is it going? This week we didn't really have a whole lot of new people to teach but we have quite a few other ones that are getting pretty much ready for baptism. We had a baptism for a girl whose family is members except for her Dad who just recently gave us permission to teach her and he has been listening too. It was a little crazy since we had it planned for Saturday and on Friday the bishop called and said that there is an activity for the primary on Saturday and we couldn't have it. So we just decided to do it Friday after her interview. Since my companion is the district leader we have to have the zone leaders come and do the interview. One is new Elder Lott from Lehi, you'll have to see if the Weeks know him? After the interview we asked her who she wanted to baptize her and she wanted me. That felt pretty awesome, and I got another person to baptize. Wednesday we had companion exchanges and one of the elders from the other area came with me. He has only been out for 2 weeks so I had to do a lot of talking and teaching, but I was able to do it, actually better than I thought too. 

My stomach  hurts pretty much all over my stomach now, but mostly upper in the middle and lower in the right. Also the sun is really strong and makes my head hurt everyday too and I've had a cold almost the whole time so yep it is pretty sucky, I kind of just want to be better right now. President said that I need to drink cold drinks but everything is hot and we don't have refrigerators or stuff to cook. I think i might ask him if they could give us one to help me. It's hard to drink cold things when everything here is hot.

We call our pension hermana sugey. The names are different here. a first name and middle name but two last names, one from their dad and another from their mom. But they usually just use the first one from their dad.

Also can you send me recipes for cookies or some food? And the music for the song piano man? so my companion can play it?
Yes or email if you can find them. Also for the song Gethsemane in English and Spanish. Also if you can find one of those ties that you got me for Christmas with the moronis my companion really likes it. in green. Then I think I can send you guys some of the Peruvian ties that they sell at the temple which is 5 min from his house. His family can buy things on Monday send them Tuesday and they are here on Thursday that is crazy

Thursday we had interviews with president and it went good. He is pretty happy how I am doing and is excited that I am improving a lot. Saturday was a baptism in the other area and we came and did a special musical number that was alright but not so special ;)  Also Elder Smith came from his area in Chiclayo to baptize the person since it was someone that he started to teach. It was fun to see him again. The rest of the week was pretty much the same, a lot of walking and teaching. It is exciting that Austin and Tanner and Chance and all these people are getting ready to get out on their missions. It will be fun too when we all get back and have a million stories to tell. Hopefully everyone else is doing alright. 
Con Amor, Elder Lamb

Ethan's 2nd baptism. 

I miss this face!!

Some kind of pday get together by a drainage ditch? Looks like fun!

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