Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 23

Here is Ethan's letter for the week:

"Hi, how is it going? This week was a little better but I still am having problems with my stomach and head. Hopefully soon it will change. Also this is the last week of this transfer, so I guess the next week we will see if I change or stay in this area longer. I have a feeling that I might change since everyone else in our district is new except for the guy that is training another missionary right now, so he probably won't change. This week was pretty normal. We had another baptism for a kid that we were teaching. He was baptized before but he was never confirmed and they lost his papers so we had to teach him over again and baptize him. His parents are inactive but his mom came back this week in church and really seemed to enjoy being there. We also have another two baptisms planned for this week that hopefully work out pretty good. It is a girl who has 21 years and her cousin who is 9 but reminds me a lot of Emma. We were teaching them and only had planned for the girl who is 21, but she always brought her cousin to listen too. Then after our lesson we were talking about the baptism and she hugged her little cousin and said that we are going to be baptized next week. That was pretty cool only now we need to talk to her mom who is really Catholic, to get her 

I got to do a confirmaciĆ³n in sacrement meeting yesterday for the first time. I wasn't really sure what to say in english, or in spanish but it went pretty good. I was super nervous too, but it my companion said that he really liked what i said. If you have any more mission stories, I always love to hear them. 

I also tried to cook funnel cakes but they didn't really work. I did deep fried oreos instead. I just felt like the cake mix soaked up a ton of grease. Could you send me a recipe for chocolate chip cookies?

I also thought of a few things that you could send me in the package. There is a small s-clip on my jeep keychain and i need something like that the same size or maybe another one bigger too for my keys. also maybe just some little like souvenirs things from Arizona that I can give to my companions. Or some coins from the united states to trade for some other coins. I have been collecting some of the coins here that are kind of like the designs for quarters, they have 45 different designs for all different historical sites in Peru. I don't need a whole lot of stuff only a little. Also do you have grandmas email. I got a letter from her this week and wanted to send her an email.

 We also had another multi zone meeting in Chiclayo and we again had pizza hut pizza. It was so good. It was also fun to see all of the other missionaries. I saw Elder Smith too, but not my first companion because he is in the jungle part and it is too far to come the 10 hours down to chiclayo. The sad part is that we found out Elder Smith went home the other day. I guess his stomach was bad still, he told me that he had that gastritis and a colon infection and salmonella. Hopefully whatever is wrong with me is not that bad. He also skyped his family and they told him to come home. I thought that was crazy. Maybe he will come back when he gets better though. 

For pday we bought some stuff from the market and cooked it and watched church movies in the church building. The rest of the week was pretty normal, just a lot of walking and teaching and preaching. I feel like some days my Spanish is alright and then other days it is not super good. We also had the two elders in FerreƱafe move into our room since they had a lot of problems with there owner. So that has been pretty fun to have 4 people. Hopefully everything is going good in Arizona. 
Con Amor, Elder Lamb
Pday fun!

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