Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Week 18

Ethan's still got some stomach problems and doctor visits, but he sounds better this week! He hit his 4 month anniversary this week. Yay!

"Hi. How's it going at home? I thought I would write out a letter during the week and I might be able to remember things better. I'll take a picture of it and send it to you.

  This week was the last week in this change and I have officially finished training for my mission and am not a "greenie" anymore! As of right now, I don't know what is happening with transfers. They haven't told us yet. Also, my stomach still hurts pretty bad and it stinks that I can't do anything about it. We called Hermana Balderrama and she told us she would talk to the area doctor. He called and asked about it and said he would get back to me. But I am still waiting. I went back to the doctor to get more tests. They think it might be a parasite or maybe now I am lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant? I have no idea. That would stink though.

Other than that, this week was pretty good for teaching people. I feel like my Spanish is getting better. I can teach parts and share scriptures and most of the time they understand and if not, my companion helps explain it. I feel like understanding Spanish is getting easier. I can read and understand the scriptures most times.  There are still words I don't know or conjugations. It will get better though.

On Wednesday we thought two people back to back and set a date for baptism for both. One is an old guy whose wife is a member and he had problems with drinking until a month ago when he was drunk and fell down and got hurt pretty bad. It was a bummer that it happened, but also not really, since it kind of woke him up and made him realize h needs to change. He has gone back to church 2 weeks now and stayed for all the meetings. He has to stand the whole time because it hurts him to sit. The other lady is pretty young and has 2 little kids. Her husband is a member, but was excommunicated, but now he wants to come back and we are teaching her too. This Sunday we had 5 investigators come to church, which is pretty great. Today is also the birthday of one of the kids we are teaching, so we are going to visit him and bring him a little gift. 

To answer your question. Our ward is small, so all of the young men is combined. Same with the young women. I'm not sure how primary works. I haven't been much.

Tell Eli I have not performed any miracles  yet. I don't think those were the kind President Rolfe was talking about.  If I do something amazing like raising the dead, I'd be sure to mention it! Ha ha!

The weather here is pretty hot. There are starting to be lot of mosquitoes and sancudos (which are mosquitoes, just double or triple the size!) They say it really starts to rain a lot in February or March.

Thanks for the package, it was really awesome. The cookies were still good and actually soft. It might be because the way you packaged them or might be the humidity. Sometimes I leave oreoes out and they are soft by morning. I love the music and talks. It's nice to lay in bed and listen to conference talks or hymns at night. My companion loves the monopoly card game. It's actually pretty fun, You should play it. Emma would love it. The macaroni and cheese was awesome. I got to cook it at our pensions house. It was fun to cook again and it tasted SO good!

When you see Tanner next, tell him thanks for the hymn book. That is the first English hymn book I have seen in 4 months! It was the best!

Love you guys. Thanks for all the letters.

Con Amor,
Elder Lamb"

The outside of Ethan's apartment building. 

The inside of Ethan's apartment. I asked him to send me pictures so we can see what it's like.

Peruvian sunset

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