Monday, January 22, 2018

Week 17

It sounds like Ethan's feeling a little better, but still having some major stomach issues. I guess that's part of South America living! I just hope he can get well, so that he can enjoy his missionary work a bit more. He sounds more upbeat this week!

"Hi how is it going? This week was pretty normal like most of the weeks here. My stomach has been hurting a lot and not really getting better so I don't really know what to do. The mission president´s wife said to just wait and try to get rid of it naturally, so I don't know how long it will take i just hope that it is soon. I think it might be what they call gastritis, which i guess is kind of like heartburn or ulcers. I felt awful in church yesterday it hurt so bad. If there is anything you can send me that might help, it would be good. There isn't much medicine down here.

I haven't gotten my package yet. Hopefully soon. The zone leaders usually bring it. Hopefully the stuff you put in there will help my stomach.

We had a zone meeting on Tuesday that was pretty fun. They even had pizza hut pizza! it tasted so good even though it hurt my stomach. This week I had a work exchange with Elder smith and he came to my area and I had to lead and talk more with people and it was pretty hard but pretty fun too. In the night we found a little store that had milk, and oreos and it tasted so good. Also you will have to tell Eli that Canada is not the only place that has milk in bags, because it is here in Peru too. For P day we just played soccer again in Chiclayo with our zone. 

Eli's pen is awesome. You will have to tell him to make me one. I forgot to bring any of the ones I made. Tell him to keep working on them. He's doing good.

Also this week starts Carnaval Which is the time people fight with water and have a fair kind of like gold rush days. They also drink a lot,but that is like every day for them. I also am going to buy a notebook today to write down all of the funny things that happen.

I don't really have a whole lot of stories though but I will email them when i get some. We did get a lot of new investigators this week and one that we are teaching asked us for more folletos orthe little book things to read, and we came the next day to bring a member to be her friend and go with her to church and it turned out that it was her best friend from school, so hopefully she will get baptized.This is the last week in this transfer and I am not sure what will happen. Maybe i can go to the jungle parts, or maybe i will be stuck in the city part again. I have not really seen a whole lot of animals, only  a bunch of stray dogs and cats. The cool thing was a little puppy ran out of a house and was following me so I got a picture with it. 
Con amor, Elder Lamb"

Ethan and Elder Fernandez.

I'm not sure what this exactly. I think Ethan probably thought it looked cool. 

I miss this smiling face!

Milk in a bag!
Elder Lamb and Elder Smith. His favorite missionary to do splits with :)
Elder Lamb and Elder Smith eating their Oreos! What a find! They were so excited :)

A cute puppy. He said after all the ugly, stray dogs he sees, this one was super cute!

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