Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 19 - New companion

We were excited to hear about transfers this week. Ethan is staying in Ferranafe, but he did get a new companion. He's still having stomach issues, so any prayers would be appreciated! Here is is letter for the week:

"Hi. we are writing now. My companion got changed up into the jungle, and I am a little jealous. I am still here with a different companion, Elder Espinoza from Lima. He is also the new district leader since Elder Smith left to Chiclayo. He told us that we have an hour and a half to write our families and president. I am writing another letter now that is longer with more details, I just thought that you would want to know.

My new companion is pretty good. It is a little different to be with someone else after being with another person for 12 weeks straight. He is good though and teaches really good, and I think the members trust him since he is from Peru. He also can play piano so this was the first Sunday with piano for a long time. We also have permission to teach English classes and piano classes to members to try and get more references and people to teach. Our first English class is this Thursday so wish me luck!

Hey how is it going back at home? First with the changes. I am still here in this area, but i think that it might be might last change here. My companion left to San Ignacio, which is way up by the jungle, so yes I am a little bit jealous, but I will probably have one chance to go there. My new companion is Elder Espinoza from Lima. He was literally neighbors with the CCM and his uncle worked there as a gardener. He gave me one of those cool ties that you can by from the temple there, but the missionaries were not allowed to go since it is just outside the fence. I might give him some money to have his family send some more to send to you guys, that is what his last companion did too. His last area was Chachapoyas and he has all sorts of cool things from there, and the pictures too are really awesome. He is the new district leader too, so there is a lot more stuff to do which helps me to feel better. Both people from the other district left and one from the other area, so it is just me and Elder Remigio that have been here the longest. We also have to new new people. a gringo and a latino. Elder Chura form Bolivia, and Elder Witworth from thousand oaks California, which I think was in Dad´s mission. We  had a pretty crazy week and a baptism on Saturday. We also have another one or two planned for this Saturday, and another for the next and for the next. Not a whole lot of new things happened only those, just the same things teaching and preaching. 

My Spanish has had to improve a lot for this week though. My companion works really hard and has almost finished all of the books to learn English, but still doesn't understand a whole lot. Also i have had to talk a lot with the people since they know me better. It is so hard, but it is getting better. My stomach is still hurting pretty much every day. It got a little better on Wednesday but then went back down. I haven't had things with milk or soda for like two weeks now which is a bummer. Also i a¿have a pretty bad cough that is like the bronchitis I had a year ago. One day I might get better though. Other than that not much new. I had a guy fall asleep on me in one of the vans when we were coming back from Chiclayo today. He also opened the door a little because his bag was stuck and later he was sleepy and the door opened and I had to catch him. That was pretty crazy.
Con Amor, Elder Lamb

Ethan at a baptism. 

Ethan on the day of transfers. He got a new companion last week. He's going to miss Elder Smith like crazy! Hopefully they meet up again sometime in the next two years :)

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