Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 11

Another week gone by. It sounds like Ethan is doing well. He's slowly getting used to Spanish. Only two more weeks until we get to talk to him!!

"Hi How is it going at home? It is pretty much the same here and it is so hard. Spanish is still pretty hard, but I think that it is getting a little better, and now when people talk I can understand most of what they say and it doesn`t sound like one long sentence, but speaking is still pretty hard, the grammar is pretty hard when compared to English. 

We did not have a baptism this week but we have on this Saturday with a guy that is pretty cool. Other than that everyday is pretty much the same going around walking so much and trying to find people to teach. I ate cabrita the other day which is "little goat" and it actually was pretty good. It tastes pretty much the same as beef but just a little bit softer. I finally figured out the name of my favorite food here if you want to make it, it is called lomo saltado. My stomach is still getting used to the food here and it is pretty horrible to have a hot December

I do have one funny story though. We were giving a blessing to a lady whos mother recently passed away and she was crying a lot. I was on her right side and had my eyes closed trying to feel the spirit and understand the words when she lifted her hand up really fast to wipe her face and hit me right in the "you know where". I did not expect that at all, but it was pretty funny to laugh at it afterwords. 

We got a new investigator that was a reference and lives right across the street of the church. We only called her to set up a time to meet with them on Saturday night and she just showed up with us to the baptism that the other elders were having. Then she showed up to church on Sunday morning and we finally got to meet with her last night, and we invited her to be baptized on the 30th of December and she said yes. It also makes me feel better when kids are excited to see us. That lady has 4 kids who are 7, 5, 2, and 1. Yesterday when we showed up they waved at us from their roof and were so happy we came. And as we left the waved again for 5 minutes.

Also I was wondering if you could send me my speaker and if you can that little pink ipod loaded with songs and conference talks. if you can i dont want to be a bother. The rules for music are pretty relaxed and you can send disney or movie soundtracks or piano covers, or david archuleta, or other things. Elder smith has a ton of songs and I asked him about the rules and he said that it is any song that helps you feel good.

If you find a tiny English hymnbook, that would be awesome too. I haven't seen one since I left. also thanks for all of the chocolate and peanut brittle it was so good and all gone now. I will try to send some pictures now.

Can you create me a skype account, and let me know the login information? The AP said that's the best way to do it. 

 Other than that it is so hard. There are times that I feel alright and other days that I just want to go home. It is pretty nice to have Elder Smith to talk with on Pdays though, and tomorrow we have a companion exchange with him and we get to be two gringos wondering around Peru, so wish us luck. 
I love you all so much, 

Love, Elder Lamb"

Ethan and the fields of Chiclayo

I'm pretty sure he's giving us the "look" like "I know I'm going to freak you out by standing on this ledge, but I'm going to do it anyway". Ha ha!

All of the Arizona elders at zone conference. 

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