Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Week 12

One week until Christmas! It sounds like Ethan's staying busy and continues to improve on his Spanish. He was able to enjoy spending a day with Elder Smith, his favorite gringo!

                        "Hi. I'm trying something a little different this week. I'm writing this letter earlier and will send you a picture. That way I can remember things that happened and I might have a little more time to email on Monday. It has not been the best week. I am getting a cold. I feel like I have a fever, sore throat and runny nose. So, I haven't been feeling good. I don't like having a hot December either. I feel sunburnt all of the time. It's kind of funny, my pensionista gave me some sunscreen because she is really worried about my sensitive gringo skin! Other than that, I'm feeling ok, my stomach is still getting used to the food, but it's getting better. 
     On Tuesday I had a companion exchange and I got to go with Elder Smith, which was actually really fun. We did pretty good with Spanish and I even think that I got to teach more than with my normal companion. He speaks so fast and I don't usually get a chance to help teach. When I was with Elder Smith, we taught a few lessons, contacted some members, gave us some food and then we bought some hamburgers from a little stand. Also hamburgers are really weird here. They always are the bun and papas fritos (as a patty) and the extras you can get are pollo, lettuce an egg or beef patty. 
     On Thursday and Friday we had a zone activity. We went in the center of the town that I am in, Ferrenafe on Thursday. We set up a table with a Book of Mormon and Liahonas and we sang Christmas carols, contacted and handed out candies to the kids. We did the same thing Friday night, but in another part of Chiclayo. It was pretty fun and we even made it feel like Christmas. We decorated with lights and Christmas things. 
          On Saturday we had the baptism of Luis. He is pretty awesome and it was good to see him baptized, even though the day was crazy. We cleaned the copilla in the morning, then someone told us they were using the whole building all day for a stake primary activity. So we had to go to the other really small copilla and clean it out for the baptism. It was really dirty and had a layer of dirt on the floor. When it came time for the baptism, no one was there. They told us to go back to the main building, because the primary was done. So, we went back and there were people everywhere an food was cooking in the room for the baptism. We ended up starting an hour late, but I have realized that nothing ever happens on time here!
             Spanish is pretty hard. Some days I feel pretty good and I can understand people and I can repsond. Other days I feel so lost. Some people mumble too which makes understanding them 1000 times harder. I hope I can figure it out soon.
              The other night we ate dinner on our roof. I got to look at the stars. Some are super bright and twinkly. Can you send me star chart, so I can figure out what they are? I can still see Orion, so we aren't too far south for all of the constellations I know. But that is the only one I can recognize.
              We had transfers, but I am still here. Only one person in our district left, so it's pretty much the same. For pday I got a hat in the morning, so I don't keep burning. I guess we are allowed to wear them during proselyting since the sun is so strong here. Then we went to pick mangos with this guy. We walked really far, but never found any that were good.
           Elder Smith said said that you should go to the temple with his mom sometime. He told me that she goes every week and then once a month with Elder Edwards mom too. Also I was wondering if in the next package you could sent another pair of those nike pants, and a calculator watch, I usually only wear my nice one on Sundays because it will get beat up or stolen, also some ctr or hlj rings would be cool, and one more thing if you can find it, my friend in the ccm from the Philippines had a really fine pen like .4 or .3 and it was called pilot G tech. that would be really nice for fitting all of the things that we need to do into our little agendas.
               I don't have a lot of pictures of my apartment but i will send some next week. The desserts here are either cake with no frosting, or sometimes frosting, or arroz con leche, masamora, or whatever candies i get from the store. They don't really have normal food and they do have restaurants but it is the same food as in the houses, but i think there are different ones but they are in chiclayo. And there are not really a lot of wild animals, lots of parrots though that is cool. and stray dogs and cats everywhere, in our area there is probably a couple hundred stray dogs, and some are so ugly . look up a picture of a peruvian hairless dog. those are disgusting. 
          I don't know when I am skyping for Christmas. I'm out of time. I love you all and miss you.
Elder Lamb"
Feliz Navidad from Peru! Elder Lamb and Elder Smith

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