Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 10 - Busy Week

It was so good to hear from Ethan this week. His spirits seem higher and he kept really busy! He had a zone conference and it was so exciting to see his Mission President post pictures on Facebook. It was a long day for me Friday and as I was flipping through the facebook pages at the end of the day, I was greeted with Ethan's smiling face! It made my day! It sounds like he has a family to teach and has a baptism coming up. I am so grateful for his service and his sacrifice. Love you Ethan!

"I saw the email from Dad that said week 10, and it is crazy that I have been gone so long. This week was alright, Spanish is still pretty hard, and the people here in Chiclayo speak so fast. Also I have realized why President Rolfe blessed me to have love for the people, because it is pretty hard to love some of these latinos, you could probably ask those people that served here too, but they walk really slow and always throw trash on the ground and are not super clean, and always say the exact same phrases I've noticed, But it is nice on p days with Elder Smith, he always has a bunch of cool scriptures to share with me and we always joke and laugh about how much it sucks here but also how much we will be blessed. 

The food also is a bit hard to get used to. I have had diarrhea everyday that I've been here if that can explain it. It is also weird being close to the equator I have noticed. The moon looks quite a bit bigger which is pretty cool. The sun is really hot though, and I am getting super tan:) But it gets cold at night because of the humidity and the wind. It is a little weird to have a hot Christmas, But the freezing cold shower everyday I guess makes up for it. 

I got my Christmas package. I loved the ornaments on the tree so much. yep i only cried for like an hour when I read them all, it was really cool to get them all. i had a couple of things to ask if you could send them before I have to leave  in a little. Do you think that you could send me the instucciònnes on how to tie a diamond knot. it is the one i did with the paracord and i cannot remember. Also some of these 5 minute workout things that I can do in the morning.

The conference was good and we have another before Christmas, I did see Elder Edwards and we got a picture with all of the elders from Arizona. We are doing Ilumina el Mundo here too. I have only a minute left, Tell Bishop`and Clay and Ryan thanks for the emails I love you all so much and also reading the emails from Dad and all of you.

We had a baptism with two kids that we taught and it was pretty cool. Our next one is the 16th with a guy that's really awesome and that is excited to be baptized. We also started teaching a family that we found and i hope that they will start to come to church and want to get baptized. The first time we taught them the guy had no shirt and was kind of paying attention, but yesterday we taught them and they were asking questions and reading and he even said a prayer at the end. I am sorry if I can not respond to everyone, These computers are so slow, and one hour is not very much time to write everyone and try and write a letter in Spanish with a dictionary and my grammar card to the president. If you can order some food from peru from amazon you should try the inc kola and sublimes, they are really good. I am trying so hard to be happy through this time that is so hard and hopefully it will get better soon. It is so awesome that Ryan is leaving soon and Chance is starting his papers. Hopefully Austin and tanner too.

 I love you guys, Hasta luego, Ethan.
Ethan in Chiclayo. Look at those dusty shoes!!

Elder Lamb and Elder Fernandez.

Ethan's Christmas tree from home and all the ornaments from friends and family. He LOVED it!

Zone Conference. Where's Waldo??, I mean Ethan?

Ethan and the group that came out of the CCM with him.

His very cool homemade money holder pouch.

First Baptism.

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