Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 8 - Soccer and No pictures

Ethan forgot his usb cord this week, so we were kind of bummed not to get any pictures. I did borrow one of his zone from the mission facebook page. It was good to see his smiling face! He's still struggling with being homesick, adjusting to a strange place and learning the language. Keep him in your prayers. He needs it! 

"Hi how is it going at home? It is alright here.. I am really sorry that I can only send one email, there is barely any time and the computers here are so slow and the keyboard doesn't really work. It is pretty similar here so I'm not sure how much to write about. We have quite a few visits everyday but a lot of the times people just are not in their homes. The people here work all day everyday and don't really so a whole lot more. It is pretty dusty here and most of the roads are dirt, even in the middle of the town. There are also millions of moto taxis which is the front half a motorcycle and the back half is a carriage looking thing. 

Oh I can see the stars, they are not as bright but I can see them. The weather is hot in the day and pretty chilly in the night and evening with the humid wind. They have millions of little stores that people just set up in the front of their houses or rooms of the buildings. Our pensionist got a Peru soccer jersey for me from chiclayo and other than that not a whole lot. I ordered a triple scripture thing  from the office and want to find someone that can make a case for that and my English ones.

It was also pretty crazy all of the people that were celebrating after peru won the soccer game. They only scored 2 goals but we heard when they did. Me and my companion got some snacks from the little stores here and ate them while we listened to the people here. My spanish is getting better but it is still super hard. The people here speak so fast and a lot of the words sound like they are mixed together into one giant word. Hopefully I will be able to speak and understand soon. Today for pday we played soccer with our zone in the morning and then went to some place for lunch which was of course, chicken and rice and potatoes as always. Our cooking lady is pretty nice and the food is alright, but i do miss regular food. Hopefully everyone is doing alright at home, I'm excited to hear about how Andrew and Eli will do in wrestling. I love reading all of the letters.. It has been so hard lately, especially since I cant really talk to anyone or the mission  president because they all speak spanish. Love you guys, Ethan."

 Ethan's zone in Chiclayo.

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