Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 6 - Arrival in Chiclayo

This was an exciting week! Ethan got to leave the CCM early Tuesday and fly to his mission area! He got time for a quick email when he got there, so we know he made it safe. But, that's about it. I realized today I don't even know what city he's been assigned! We have to wait all the way until next Monday to get a real letter. Hopefully he is having a good week and loving his first area! His mission president has a Facebook page and put on photos and a video of the missionaries arriving in Chiclayo. It was so wonderful to see his smiling face! Oh how I miss this kid!!
Here is his quick letter and the pictures I took from the facebook page :)

"Hi we only get a little bit to email today, I think that I can only send a little note. I made it to Chiclayo. I had the interview with the president. He is really nice and he speaks no English. I got to see who my companion was, he is Latino and I don't think that he speaks English either. I hope that it will be ok. Hopefully everyone at home is alright and  I will have to email you more the next time that I get a chance."

I spy Ethan sitting at the table!

The new incoming Chiclayo missionaries with the mission president and his wife.

The newly arrived missionaries. 

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