Friday, October 13, 2017

Week 2 - A little melancholy

I felt like this week's letter seemed a little sad and a little more homesick. He still seems in good spirits and happy, but definitely missing home. We were expecting it though, how could he not? He's never been away from home other than camps, so I am sure it's a big adjustment. He still looks good and hopefully this coming week will be easier for him.

"Hi hows it going at home? It is alright here, but I'm not going to lie it kind of sucks. We are stuck in these walls here and I have been really missing you guys. There is not really a whole lot going on since we have to stay in here all day, but I wrote down some things that I thought I could share.
   We eat a lot of rice, probably every meal. My favorite food has probably been the Arroz tapado, which they make in a bowl. they put a scoop of rice and then a scoop of meat, and then another scoop of rice, and then they dump it out onto a plate like a sand castle. Also every once in a while we have soft serve ice cream from a machine, and it is very good. Also for some strange reason the corn kernels down here are huge, like the size of a quarter. I got some of the inka corn from a vending machine, which is like corn nuts, and they are huge, I will send a picture in a separate email so that the letter will send.
    On Sunday it was fast Sunday, and I felt really home sick that day, but all of the classes were pretty good. I got called out of the crowd to come up and lead music, which let me tell you is really really hard, especially since we have to sing in Spanish. Everyday goes by super fast, but it seems like I've been in the CCM for years already. Spanish is alright, but it is also pretty hard since it seems that all of the words blend together, and a lot of the people here speak super fast. It is pretty fun we have an hour of exercise time each day, and then I have been doing 200 push ups every night while I am studying in our rooms.
    I was also pretty sad because we did not get to go to the temple today since it is closed for cleaning for the next couple of weeks. I do think we get to go the last week though. I also just got that letter that you sent today, and I hope that i can take the names to the temple the next time that we get to go.
   I've been pretty anxious to get out of here too. I kind of just want to get to chiclayo, but i know that I still have a lot of stuff to learn. The older group leaves the CCM next Tuesday which means that we are already almost halfway done. Thank you for all of the emails. I am going to take pictures so that I can read them later. I am sorry that it went weird letters also all of the sudden, I am still getting used to these weird keyboards and cant figure out how to turn it back yet since we barely have any time to write back. I love you guys so much and hope these next 2 years fly by. Love Elder Lamb"

Ethan's giant corn nuts or "Inka Corn"

Ethan and Elder Navarro, a friend in his district who is from the Philippines.

Buildings at the CCM. Ethan said it's always cloudy there.

Ethan playing around at a school across the street where they were working on a service project.

Hi Ethan! Miss you!

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