Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week 0 - Off to the CCM

The day had finally come for Ethan to head to Peru. I feel like we waited forever, then all of a sudden, it was time! We were all dreading saying goodbye. Ethan is such a good big brother. No one wanted to see him go, yet we were all excited for him to leave and begin this new phase of his life. We all got up early and headed out to the airport. Ethan was pretty nervous. So nervous, he forget his brand new watch that he got just for his mission. After promising to get it to him, we stopped at Walmart and got a cheap one, just so he could know the time. We got to the airport and checked in with no problems. I sure miss the days when you could go all the way to the gate! After hanging around with each other for about an hour, he headed through security. Many tears were shed by us all! After he had gone, we went to the top floor of the airport and waited for his plane to take off. It really felt real after seeing that plane leave. We all had such a mix of emotions that day. Happy, proud, excited, sad, nervous. It was a long day. I spent the day glued to my Delta airlines app as I spied on his plane. He finally made it to Peru around 9:30 our time. He had to switch planes once in Atlanta. 11 hours total flying. Yikes!

I had to wait until Wednesday morning to get the e-mail that he made it there safe and sound. Who would have thought such a quick, short e-mail would be so exciting! It felt better than Christmas morning!!

Here is what we got:

Hey i was just letting you know that I made it. it is awesome here. The plane ride took forever but we landed and everyone spoke spanish. Most of the teachers only speak spanish and they are all very nice. I will email you again on my p-day next wednesday.

Adios, Elder Lamb

Short and sweet ... but oh how I loved getting it! He sounds happy and good and hopefully that will help is make it until we get a real letter next Wednesday.

Our long walk from the over sized parking lot, to Terminal 3.

One last family photo.

Andrew's going to miss this guy!
And he's off through security!

Getting Ready to Leave

Getting ready for a mission is a lot of work. Not just for Ethan, but Mom too! So many things to make sure you have and then to fit them all in two suitcases! I interrupted packing to make sure I got some good pictures of Ethan before he left. I know photo shoots are not his favorite, but he was willing. I knew I'd want these once he was gone.